Parent Information
NWEA Information
NWEA Parent Toolkit
letter that explains everything about NWEA
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Your child has access to free eBooks, online tutoring help, and other resources that will give your student a leg up in school! Chippewa Valley Schools and the Clinton-Macomb Public Library (CMPL) are working together to meet the ConnectED challenge, which encourages libraries to collaborate with elected officials, school leaders, and school librarians, to create or strengthen partnerships so that every child enrolled in school has a public library card. CMPL was selected as just one of 30 libraries from around the country to participate in the ConnectED challenge by the White House.
All Chippewa Valley students will have access to the following online services through CMPL:
- Tutor.com, connect to a professional tutor online to receive help with difficult homework problems (4 pm-11 pm)
- Electronic reference sources including encyclopedias that can be used for writing school papers
- Pronunciator foreign language learning program
- eBooks
- eMagazines (over 100 popular titles)
- Five free music downloads per week (over 7 million commercially produced songs)
- Use of the library’s public computers featuring Office applications and internet access
- Ability to register for library programs and reading clubs
How to proceed:
- If your child already has a CMPL library card he or she is all set and needs to do nothing further.
- If your child does not have a CMPL card he or she will be issued a library card automatically. To use it, visit www.cmpl.org and use your child’s Chippewa Valley Schools Student ID Number for the barcode and the last 4 digits of your telephone number registered with the school for the password. If you do not already know your child’s ID number you can obtain it from our Parent Portal or from your child’s school once school reopens the week of August 17th.
- If you don’t know if your child has a library card, or you have trouble logging in, please call us at (586) 226-5000.
- If you would prefer that your child not receive a library card, please [email protected] or via phone at 586-723-2024 to opt out of the program by July 31. Please specify your child’s name, school, and grade level. For more information regarding the ConnectED challenge watch the video on our website under Latest News.
To upgrade your child to a full-access regular library card just visit any CMPL location with proof of address and photo ID. Full access will allow your child to select from nearly 400,000 items in the library’s collections, reserve group study rooms and more. The library also offers important resources to assist you and your child throughout the school year. For more information or for assistance in accessing your account please visit www.cmpl.org or call 586-226-5000.
Thank you.
Please Sign Up For SchoolMessenger
SchoolMessenger is the District/School e-mail system and the communication method to all parents. You can enter up to 5 email addresses in Parent Portal. You will receive important announcements and other information through e-mail.
SchoolMessenger also allows us to send phone messages to the phone numbers that we have listed.
You can enter one cell phone number in the "SMS" box in Parent Portal allowing you to receive text message alerts.
Go to Parent Portal , click on SchoolMessenger and Edit. Click here for more information and instructions.
Iroquois Parking Lot Procedure
Miscellaneous Notes
* Integrated Pest Management - Attached is a letter explaining the district pest management program. If you would like to be notified before any specific pesticide application is made at Iroquois, fill out the attached form and return it to the address indicated on the letter.
* We posted new articles for your reading pleasure. Peaceful Family Relationships, Reading and Writing in the Content Areas, and Skills for Now and Later. Enjoy!