Algonquin Boys/Girls Track & Field 2024
Track 2025 Start Information
Track starts Tuesday, April 1st after school. There are no tryouts for track. Any students who want to join the team are able to participate. Track practices are every weekday until 4:30. Students must have a completed physical turned in to Mr. Trombley in order to begin participating. If you need to get a physical, you can get one done at any Urgent Care or CVS Minute Clinic. They take walk-in appointments and can get yours done today. If you have any questions, please email Mr. Trombley. ([email protected])
Algonquin Track Remind 101
All track students and parents need to sign up for the Algonquin Track Remind101. This is the most important thing that students and parents need to do. Mr. Trombley, Mr. Petterle, and Mr. Valentine will send updates, cancelations, and other time-sensitive information through this Remind101 group. To join, text @ee4cf6a to 81010 or click the following link- PLEASE LET MR. TROMBLEY KNOW IF THIS LINK DOESN'T WORK
After a student decides they want to be on the track team, parents need to complete the online paperwork.
Student-athletes and parents need to go to and go to the “Find a Program” section to search for Algonquin. This will bring you to a heading that says Chippewa Valley High School. DO NOT REGISTER FOR CHIPPEWA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL! Below that heading your will see “Algonquin Athletic Registration”. Click that to complete the paperwork for track.
Algonquin Track 2025 Schedule (CLICK HERE)
***Updated as of 3/13/25 Version 1.0***
Order of Track Events
Field events open at the start of the meet:
High Jump, Long Jump, Shot Put
Track event order (one lap around track is 400 M):
1600 M
55 M Hurdles
800 M Relay
800 M Run 7th Grade
800 M Run 8th Grade
100 M
400 M
70 M 7th Grade
70 M 8th Grade
200 M Hurdles
200 M
1600 M Relay 7th Grade
1600 M Relay 8th Grade
400 M Relay
All Track Meets Start at 3:30 P.M.
Track practice is every day (unless otherwise noted above) after school 3:00-4:30 except for days of meets.
Track Coaches
Mr. Petterle
Head Coach
[email protected]
Mr. Valentine
Assistant Coach
[email protected]
Mr. Trombley
Assistant Coach
[email protected]