Ms. VanOphem
This is a big year for the freshmen – making new friends, being involved in extra-curricular activities, and developing good study habits. It will be very important for them to quickly learn about time management. The transition into high school can be difficult for some students. If you see your student is struggling, please feel free to contact his/her teachers or the counselor for suggestions to help get your student on the right track. Good communication between parents, students and staff is the key to student success at this level.
Here at the 9th grade center, we concentrate on developing students who are respectful and responsible. We expect that the students respect the staff and their peers every day. Being responsible is another expectation that we have of the students. Please encourage your student to bring the necessary materials to every class each day and to pack their backpacks the night before, so they do not forget their work at home. Tardiness and absences are monitored very closely at the high school level. Excessive tardiness and absences may negatively affect academic progress and may also result in loss of credit for classes. Please be sure your student attends school regularly.
Welcome to the Big Red Family!