Mr. Bellomo, Principal
2024-25 School Year
I hope you all had a safe and enjoyable summer vacation. As the principal of Fox Elementary, I am extremely excited to begin my 11th year with our Fox family. I honestly can’t wait to see the smiling faces of our students and work with our wonderful staff, parents, and Fox community.
Some of you may be new to our Fox family and many of you have been a part of our family for years. Once at Fox, you will quickly realize that each team member, no matter their role, will be working to make this the most memorable school experience for your child that we can. A school should feel as comfortable as a home. A school should be a family. At Fox, we are a family and some of the most important things that we will do each day is build relationships with our students.
Throughout the year your child will engage in many different opportunities and experiences that will have a positive impact on their education. Remind your child to always try their best and celebrate even the smallest successes with them throughout the year. As a parent, I can understand that we always want our child to shine the brightest, but what’s most important is our child’s character and the efforts they put forth in all they do.
At Fox, helping your child to understand the importance of their character will be done on a daily basis. Our team members use the Positivity Project program to help teach character. Through a focus on utilizing a growth mindset and reinforcing the importance of character each day, I am confident your child will have an extraordinary year of growth both academically and socially.
At Fox, we continue to work very hard to improve our literacy practices. Our school and district is committed to using practices and strategies in our reading and ELA classrooms that are supported by the Science of Reading. Each day, your child will have a consistent 90 minute literacy block that has specific and research based strategies used to teach the Five Pillars of Literacy. (Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension). All five literacy components taught each day are the key to successfully learning to read. Additionally, all classrooms will have daily small group instruction and MTSS literacy interventions aimed at supporting areas our students are both struggling in or challenging them where they need to be challenged to ensure that ALL students continue to demonstrate growth no matter what level they are at. In order to measure student progress and the impact of our lessons and interventions our students will be progress monitored both weekly and bi-weekly depending on their reading needs.
Throughout the year we will share updates that may be helpful for you to reinforce reading at home. Our weekly Principal's Report and SMORE will also have helpful reading information.
It's an exciting time at Fox. I'm truly excited for the opportunities our students have. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, never hesitate to reach out to me.
Thank you for choosing Fox and joining us on this wonderful journey with your child and family!As always, we thank you so much for being a part of the Fox family!
Mr. Bellomo