Millage Renewal FAQs

Q: What is the Chippewa Valley Schools Operating Millage Renewal?

A: This millage renewal supports Career and Technical Education instructors, teachers, support staff, school safety officers, school counselors and mental health professionals who help prepare our students for success and careers.

Q: When will this proposal appear on the ballot?

A: This millage renewal will appear on the Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024 ballot. Click here to learn more about the August ballot.

Q: Will this proposal raise my taxes?

A: This millage renewal does not cost homeowners one penny in taxes, and is only paid by rental property owners, owners of second homes, commercial properties and businesses.

Q: What will the funding be used for?

A: The millage renewal supports Career and Technical Education instructors, teachers, support staff, school safety officers, school counselors and mental health professionals who help our students succeed.

Q: Does this proposal pay for new buildings or construction?

A: No. By law, the millage renewal only supports the district’s general operations and cannot be used for any new construction.

Q: Why do we need this proposal now?

A: This is a renewal of an existing millage that supports the district’s general operations that help students succeed.

Q: How do we know funding from the proposal will be spent wisely?

A: Chippewa Valley Schools has a proven track record of fiscal responsibility, transparency and accountability, and all funds from this proposal will be required to undergo an annual independent audit and be detailed on the district’s website.

Q: Why do we need more funding for mental health in our schools?

A: Without this millage renewal, the district could be forced to eliminate important student wellness programs and staff, including school counselors, psychologists and school health services staff.

Q: How does this proposal help prepare students for the modern workforce?

A: This millage renewal supports hands-on learning opportunities that prepare students for the jobs of today and tomorrow, whether that means college, technical training or entering the workforce right after graduation. 

Q: I don’t have kids in the district. Why should I support this proposal?

A: This renewal proposal helps keep our property values high and home values strong, while making our community a great place to live, work, raise a family or start a small business.